
This site contains a series of interactive exercises related to the Guide de communication en soins préhospitaliers d'urgence : français - anglais. The exercises are presented as quiz games and can be read directly on the site.

Pedagogical objectives

This site offers material that is complementary to Guide de communication en soins préhospitaliers d'urgence, a textbook published by the CCDMD. The objective of this textbook is to :

  • Offer students in emergency care a bilingual lexicon for their field to remedy the fact that their concentration courses are available only in French or in English.

  • Enable them to master terminology specific to emergency care in both languages, which is essential if not vital in the exercise of the duties.

  • Offer students and teachers a work tool that is formatted to make it adaptable to various pedagogical activities whether it be by working in groups or individually.

  • Provide a guide that students can use after their studies and throughout their careers as paramedics, as opposed to the majority of scholarly textbooks (even if periodic revisions are needed).

  • Serve as a reference for continuing education and for immigrants wishing to pursue work in the field of emergency care.

For a copy of the textbook, go to the CCDMD website at :

Guide de communication en soins préhospitaliers d'urgence
Page couverture du manuel

Usage rights

Resources offered on this site are firstly developed to serve the needs of students and teachers of the Québec college network. They may only be used for educational, non-commercial purposes.

Websites can link to our resources but all reproductions, modifications or redirections to pay sites are strictly forbidden. Citing the Centre collégial de développement de matériel didactique and its website (www.ccdmd.qc.ca) as the source is obligatory.

Some resources may be subject to authorized reproduction or, occasionally, specific restrictions. It is the user’s responsibility to verify with the CCDMD what conditions apply.

Commercial use

Any commercial use of the sequences, texts or materials from this site must be the subject of a specific agreement between the user and the CCDMD.

Source citation

Users must always cite the authors and source of the image or document.

Caquez, P., Lanoix, F., McHugh GR., (2018). Guide de communication en soins préhospitaliers. Centre for Educational Materials Development (CCDMD). Retrieved at https://prehospitalier.ccdmd.qc.ca

For more information, please contact the CCDMD at (info@ccdmd.qc.ca) or 514 873-2200.


Guide de communication en soins préhospitaliers d'urgence was produced by the Collegial Centre for Educational Materials Development (CCDMD).

Pedagogical design and content development

Pascale Caquez, Collège Ahuntsic

Francine Lanoix, Gary R. McHugh, John Abbott College

Copy editor

Hélène Roulston

Web site integrator for exercises

Eugenia Tsatsos

Graphic designer

Christine Blais

Web site integrator

Xavier Alexandre

Project manager

Nicholas Birks


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